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Build together a sustainable future

HR Policy


In an increased desire to involve our employees in the development, performance and results of Géotec, we have opened up our capital via the FCPE (employee investment funds) investment vehicle. Today, a little over 50% of employees are shareholders and hold nearly 3% of the capital.

Géotec's Human Resources policy is based on four essential principles:

  1. Professional development of employees
  2. Social dialogue
  3. Diversity
  4. School-business partnerships





Professional development of employees

Professional development is one of Géotec's core ambitions: the group aims to build, with its employees, professional paths that correspond to their aspirations, while ensuring the development of the company's activities.

Geotec also undertakes to:

Train employees

1600 days of training
3% of the payroll devoted to training

Promote mobility

Thanks to the diversity of its businesses and its locations, Géotec offers opportunities for different forms of mobility and professional development: promotion, horizontal mobility and geographic mobility.

Its ambition: to recognize everyone’s skills and potential, by offering them the chance to make a lasting commitment within the Group.

Promote dialogue with superiors

The goal of all managers is to help employees grow.

Discussions are planned and encouraged to enable dialogue on the performance, expectations and professional development of everyone.


Social dialogue

For many years, Géotec has encouraged and promoted social dialogue that respects the people, assignments and responsibilities of employee representative bodies because it is committed to working jointly on all strategic and operational matters related to the company.

Meetings are organized several times a year for the purpose of informing and negotiating agreements on subjects such as professional equality between women and men and discussing current themes, such as teleworking or the right to disconnect.



The HR policy deployed within Géotec is based on one essential basic principle: to be a group accessible to all!

The whole social policy is thus based on the principle of non-discrimination and seeks to ensure equal treatment, particularly in terms of recruitment, employment, training and remuneration.

This requires in particular the implementation of commitments in favour of professional equality, as the signature of the Syntec-Ingénierie gender mixing charter.
The score of 78 points out of 100 awarded to Géotec on the gender equality index for the year 2024, reflects also this commitment. 

Géotec is also invested in a policy to raise awareness on disability and concrete actions are implemented on this issue.
Its commitment to diversity is also reflected in its Charter of Ethics, which includes the objective of combatting all forms of discrimination.


School partnerships

Géotec works to promote its activities in schools and universities, which are partners of choice for the integration and retention of young employees.

It also encourages its employees to work with schools to encourage interest in working for the group, to participate in job forums, open house operations, etc.

Many work-study students and trainees are welcomed each year in all the companies of the group and 2/3 of them continue their career in the group at the end of their training.


