Géotec has for many years adopted a QSSE approach (Quality, Health, Safety, Environment) in order to improve its overall performance and offer its customers products and services of consistently high quality.
This approach has resulted in Géotec obtaining, through its various subsidiaries, ISO 9001 and 45001 certifications, COFRAC accreditations and OPQIBI and Qualiforage qualifications.
Staff regularly undergo training and have all the necessary qualifications to carry out major projects in the most challenging environments.
ISO 9001 and 45001
Certification procedures were initiated in 2014 for the Quality Management System (ISO 9001). Combining this with the OHSAS 18001 health and safety system, Géotec set up an integrated system in 2017. This has since been replaced by ISO 45001 certification.
Geotec is certified by the LNE according to the order of February 9, 2022.
Thus, Geotec meets the requirements of article 2 § II and annexes I, II and IV, in order to deliver certificates in the fields A and ATTESALUR, guaranteeing that pollution management measures have been taken into account in the design of the construction or development project [Art. R. 431-16 n) of the Code de l'urbanisme].
LNE certificate in pdf to download
And also available on the LNE website
Géotec is certified by the Engineering Qualification Body OPQIBI, which recognizes our technical expertise in the fields of geotechnical engineering, the environment and structural diagnostics.
The company is qualified to perform the following studies:
08 - Pollution, Environmental quality and health
- 0804 - Study of the pollution of water tables and soils
10 - Soil techniques - Renewable energies
- 1001 - Study of common geotechnical projects
- 1002 - Study of complex geotechnical projects
- 1003 - Geological studies
- 1005 - Hydrogeological studies
- 1007 - Study of geothermal resources
- 1008 - Undertaking and interpreting in-situ geotechnical surveys
11 - Earthworks - Hydraulic, maritime and river works and structures - Civil engineering structures
- 1101 - Study of common earthworks
- 1102 - Study of earthworks
- 1106 - Study of earthworks with consolidation
- 1107 - Study of river works
- 1108 - Study of tunnels or undergrounds
12 - Fundations and structures
- 1201 - Study of complex foundations
- 1202 - Study of common concrete structures
- 1206 - Study of common wooden structures
As a professional entity that performs geothermal drilling, Géotec holds the RGE “Qualiforage” qualification for its subsidiary Géotec Energie.
Lacq, a subsidiary of Groupe Géotec on Reunion Island, has COFRAC accreditation for concrete sample testing, which guarantees a very high level of quality. Few laboratories have such accreditation.
The Géotec teams undergo regular training to be able to operate on all types of major project, and thus have the various certificates, permits and authorizations required.
AIPR training (Operations Near Network Infrastructures)
SST training (Workplace First Aid)
Asbestos training for operation in Sub-section 4
Electrical accreditations (in particular HOvB0)
Chemical Risk Clearances: GIES Level 1, Level 2, ATEX 0
Nuclear accreditations: HN1, HN2, SCN1, SCN2, HN3, CSQ
Mechanical accreditations: M0, M1, M2
RATP accreditations
RTE, OPPBTP, HSE Transport Gaz, COFIROUTE passports, etc.
Driving authorization according to different CACES (Certificates of Safe Driving; R.482, R.489, R.490, R.486, R.484, R.485) allowing holders to drive:
- Mini excavators
- Forklifts
- Sounders
- Aerial platforms
- Auxiliary cranes
- Quad driving initiation and familiarization, safe driving of snowmobiles and drones.
Accreditations for work on water (river, coastal and offshore):
- BOSIET (Basic Safety Induction and Emergency Training)
- STCW95 (Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers)
- River licence
- Coastal licence
- Offshore licence
Accreditations for structural and environmental diagnostics:
- Level 2 cathodic protection certification
- Site operators exposed to lead risk
- Assembly/dismantling rolling scaffolding
- Work at height and wearing a harness
Accreditations for work on cliffs:
- Rope access