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Build together a sustainable future
Groupe Géotec

Group presentation



Géotec is a geotechnical and environmental engineering firm that offers advice to all parties involved in building activities: Contractors, Project Managers, Companies, Technical Inspection Agencies, Experts.

The firm provides all related services, from geotechnical surveys to the engineering of the most complex projects, including in-situ and laboratory tests as well as the design and manufacture of drilling rigs.


It has thus successfully developed technical expertise in both soil surveys and project engineering.

Founded in 1973 by François Barnoud, and today managed by his son Olivier Barnoud, Géotec is a leader in geotechnical engineering in France. Although it has retained an essentially family shareholding, it has opened up over the course of its growth to senior executives and more recently to employees.

Today, it has a turnover of €104 million.


Diversified and complementary core activities

With 900 employees, Géotec has diversified its expertise starting from its historical base activity: geotechnical engineering. It carries out all the geotechnical studies for surveys G1 to G5.

Given the increasing complexity of soil issues, Géotec has developed for more than 20 years a whole range of related services, providing global soil solutions: environment, natural risks, structures, bringing together around fifty engineers specializing in these areas.

It has also developed expertise in maritime and port geotechnics (nearshore and offshore) and deep-penetration surveys.

Aware of the climate challenges, Géotec now has the skills and resources to install geothermal probes at depths of up to 200 m, in particular in Belgium, but also in France.

A qualified and certified group

Whilst customer satisfaction remains a priority, the safety of people and the preservation of the environment are also daily concerns. Thus, Géotec is committed to a Quality Safety Environment approach.

These actions have resulted in the ISO 9001 and ISO 45001 certifications awarded to the quality management departments of all of its 23 agencies and support services.

Géotec 2024

Innovation and the desire to grow together and improve are the core values at Géotec.

This is why the group is committed to a corporate project that focuses on development around 6 main axes: digital transformation, innovation/diversification, communication, skills and performance, QWL and CSR, internationalization.


Know-how to support your projects

Géotec has successfully gathered the necessary human and material resources to respond effectively to the needs of its customers.

Its 310 engineers, who act as interfaces between customers and production teams, analyse the data in order to assess the risks and propose solutions.

Its 12 geotechnical laboratories (4 in mainland France and 8 others located in Africa, Belgium and the French overseas departments and territories (DROM-COM: Guyana, Réunion and New Caledonia) are also served by experienced technicians to carry out all identification tests, soil mechanics, rock mechanics and road geotechnics.

In the field, nearly 150 teams carry out surveys up to depths of over 150m.

A strong international presence

Géotec is present throughout national and international territory, with employees distributed over 14 subsidiaries, 6 countries (France, Belgium, Italy, Senegal, Guinea and Ivory Coast) and 24 agencies in mainland France.






For almost 50 years, Géotec has expanded from internal and external growth to diversification.
Agencies openings, companies acquisitions, diversification of it's expertises have made Group's daily life.
Its ambition is to be constantly future-oriented.

key figures : Groupe Géotec 2023



Géotec is a member of various organisations with which it works to promote its businesses and improve its reputation. The company is particularly involved through various working groups initiated by its partners.
Olivier Barnoud, CEO of Géotec, is also Head of the Geotechnical Office of Syntec-Ingénierie.